Tina is a teenager who is groaning on the kitchen floor in front of her family. As part of their father-daughter interaction, Bob instructs Tina to cook on the grill. While Bob works alone, Gene and Louise bring Tina a surprise outside the restaurant, showing to her a capoeira class where she develops a crush on the long-haired headmaster, Jairo (Jon Glaser). Tina enrolls in the class and regularly practices capoeira at home, but the rest of the family compares capoeira to dance. Tina grows more interested in Jairo and extends her classes to allow her to spend more time with him.
Except for Bob, who stays to look after the business, the entire family travels to Tina’s promotion. Bob gets into a large dispute with Teddy while Tina is getting ready for her yellow cord, but eventually calms down and closes the café to watch Tina with Linda and the kids. Tina, who did not do the studio’s five basic actions, does not obtain her yellow cord like the other attendants. Bob objects to this, claiming that Tina is the one who deserves the cord. At 4:30 p.m., they have another brawl since Bob is aware of his ‘meeting.’ During the fight, Jairo continually trips over Bob, with Tina now siding with Bob and opposing Jairo.Tina leaves and returns to the grill, where she spends time with her father, Bob, who offers her yellow gloves.